4’ 10’’, color, 4/3, SD, 2019
Processed by Sara Bonaventura
Sountrack: Handplant, by EVN (Oh Cruel Science, Enklav label)
“Light is the left hand of darkness and darkness the right hand of light.
Two are one, life and death… like hands joined together”
Ursula K. Le Guin, The left hand of darkness
This is a drawing exercise, recording in real time my left hand and a white paper, the right hand
was not holding a pencil but rather adjusting knobs and patching oscillators, of a Jones Raster Scan,
similar to the Rutt Etra Scan Processor, but one of a kind built by Dave Jones for Sara Hornbacher.
It looks easy, but it is not so comfortable, rather a process of prosthetization in which a very familiar
part of the body becomes alien, sucked by the uncanny vortex of the machines, in which we believe to see
a glimpse of creation, when two index fingers touch each others, but the triangulation ends up
with a unsettling unity. see an idiom I love, in Mandarin:
孤掌难鸣 meaning something like It’s hard to clap with only one hand
The piece is inspired by by the Vasulkas’ Scan Processor studies, Didactic videos,
and the novel, The left hand of darkness, by Ursula K. Le Guin.
Featured On/Screenings:
Limen, curated by Giacomo Baccega, Marta Maglio, Mikal Fol, Spazio Zephiro, Castelfranco (IT), 2024
SYMPOSIUM VASULKAS RELOADED, Vašulka Kitchen, Brno House of Arts, Brno (CZ), 2024
OVER THE REAL, International Video & Multimedia Art Festival, curated by PLAY VIDEOARTE, Lucca (IT), 2024
Videoart Yearbook 2023, curated by Barilli, Deggiovanni, Fameli, Grandi, DAMSLab, Bologna (IT), 2023
Arte-fatti contemporanei, curated by Maria Felix Corporal within Bologna in Lettere festival, Bologna (IT), 2023
Obscura for Otherworlding program at FABRICA research center, Treviso (IT), 2023
Cuerpo trasparente, Centro De Produccion Audiovisual Leonardo Favio Quilmes, Buenos Aires, (AR), 2022
Microscope Gallery, New York City, (US), 2022
Festival PLAY videoarte y cine experimental, PRIMER PLANO: EL ARTIFICIO DE LA IMÁGEN, Corrientes (AR), 2022
VIDEOAKTION 3, curated by attaqu(e)r le visible, Raum fur drastischen Massnahmen, Berlin, (DE), 2022
Light Matter Film Festival, Alfred, NY (US), 2021
MYOPIA Festival de video experimental, Sótano 1, Callao – Lima (PE), 2021
Festival Video nodoCCS, Caracas (VE), 2021
Paadmaan Video Event, Tehran (IR), 2021
Muestra Internacional de Cine Experimental y Nuevos Medios La Mirada Inquieta, Cuba, 2021
Performing Media Festival [PMF~ 2021], Music Technology IU, South Bend (US), 2021
IDFK, Internationales Digitalkunst Festival, Württembergische Kunstverein, Stuttgart (DE), 2020
ADAF, 16th Athens Digital Arts Festival | Technotribalism, Athens (GR), 2020
MUFF, Milwaukee Underground Film Festival, Milwaukee (US), 2020
ALC videoart festival, MACA, Alicante (ES), 2020
FEST I NOVA, Art festival, Tbilisi (GE), 2020
RPM Festival 2020, UMass, Boston (US), 2020
Pugnant curated by Giorgos Efthimiou at Kino Club, Split (HR), 2020
HERE COMES EVERYBODY, broadcast in Los Angeles CA, Pasadena CA, San Francisco CA, Portland OR,
North Liberty IA, Waukegan IL & Ithaca NY, (US), 2020
2nd Video Art Forum, Saudi Arabian society for culture and arts, Dammam (SA), 2019
DIGITAL ART International Festival, Sofia (BG), 2019
The Unseen Festival, Counterpath, Denver (US), 2019
Lino Kino, Cherry St Pier public screening, Philadelphia (US), 2019
Festival Scenari Europei, Teatro Sperimentale Florian, Pescara (IT) 2019