19’ 06’’, color, 16/9, HD, Italia, 2011
Directed by Sara Bonaventura

“Beyond Form” is a butoh performance by Inga Cholmogorova, Alice De Ixime.
The installation BEYOND REFORM is by Diohandi, sound design by Stefanos Barbalias.
Filmed by Sara Bonaventura in situ (Greek Pavilion, 54th Venice Biennale), as a tribute to Diohandi and her homeland.

“An automatic habitual thinking and behaviour patterns imposed by the system and structures surrounding an individual from the very birth are hard to identify and even harder to crack open unless the very limit is reached. A new birth, a transformation from what is known, culturally embodied, from what is Human to that of Being, free from gender, race, age, nationality, etc. is a painful, blind and solitary activity. What lies beyond?”
by Inga Cholmogorova

Ombre lunghe, Bologna (IT), 2016
Spazio Barnum, Bologna (IT), 2014
Primo Piano LivinGallery, Lecce (IT), 2012